JobManager failover
private synchronized void setLeadership(boolean newValue) { boolean oldValue = hasLeadership.getAndSet(newValue); if ( oldValue && !newValue ) //原来是leader,当前不是leader,所以是lost leadership { // Lost leadership, was true, now false listeners.forEach(new Function() { @Override public Void apply(LeaderLatchListener listener) { listener.notLeader(); return null; } }); } else if ( !oldValue && newValue ) { // Gained leadership, was false, now true listeners.forEach(new Function () { @Override public Void apply(LeaderLatchListener input) { input.isLeader(); return null; } }); } notifyAll(); }
@Override public void isLeader() { synchronized (lock) { issuedLeaderSessionID = UUID.randomUUID(); leaderContender.grantLeadership(issuedLeaderSessionID); } } @Override public void notLeader() { synchronized (lock) { issuedLeaderSessionID = null; confirmedLeaderSessionID = null; leaderContender.revokeLeadership(); } }
val newFuturesToComplete = cancelAndClearEverything( new Exception("JobManager is no longer the leader."))
在cancelAndClearEverything中,关键的是suspend executionGraph;停止执行,但是并不会job删除,这样其他的JobManager还能重新提交
* The SUSPENDED state is a local terminal state which stops the execution of the job but does * not remove the job from the HA job store so that it can be recovered by another JobManager.
private def cancelAndClearEverything(cause: Throwable) : Seq[Future[Unit]] = { val futures = for ((jobID, (eg, jobInfo)) <- currentJobs) yield { future { eg.suspend(cause) //suspend Execution Graph if (jobInfo.listeningBehaviour != ListeningBehaviour.DETACHED) { jobInfo.client ! decorateMessage( Failure(new JobExecutionException(jobID, "All jobs are cancelled and cleared.", cause))) } }(context.dispatcher) } currentJobs.clear() futures.toSeq }
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce( jobRecoveryTimeout, self, decorateMessage(RecoverAllJobs))( context.dispatcher)
case RecoverAllJobs => future { try { // The ActorRef, which is part of the submitted job graph can only be // de-serialized in the scope of an actor system. akka.serialization.JavaSerializer.currentSystem.withValue( context.system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem]) {"Attempting to recover all jobs.") val jobGraphs = submittedJobGraphs.recoverJobGraphs().asScala //从submittedJobGraphs store里面读出所有submitted的job,也是从zk里面读出 if (!leaderElectionService.hasLeadership()) { // we've lost leadership. mission: abort. log.warn(s"Lost leadership during recovery. Aborting recovery of ${jobGraphs.size} " + s"jobs.") } else {"Re-submitting ${jobGraphs.size} job graphs.") jobGraphs.foreach{ submittedJobGraph => self ! decorateMessage(RecoverSubmittedJob(submittedJobGraph)) //recover job } } } } catch { case t: Throwable => log.error("Fatal error: Failed to recover jobs.", t) } }(context.dispatcher)
在recover job,
case RecoverSubmittedJob(submittedJobGraph) => if (!currentJobs.contains(submittedJobGraph.getJobId)) { submitJob( submittedJobGraph.getJobGraph(), submittedJobGraph.getJobInfo(), isRecovery = true) } else {"Ignoring job recovery for ${submittedJobGraph.getJobId}, " + s"because it is already submitted.") }
其实就是重新的submit job,注意这里的,isRecovery = true
在submit job时,如果isRecovery = true,会做下面的操作,然后后续具体的操作参考Checkpoint篇
if (isRecovery) { executionGraph.restoreLatestCheckpointedState() }
TaskManager Failover
在job manager内部通过death watch发现task manager dead,
/** * Handler to be executed when a task manager terminates. * (Akka Deathwatch or notifiction from ResourceManager) * * @param taskManager The ActorRef of the taskManager */ private def handleTaskManagerTerminated(taskManager: ActorRef): Unit = { if (instanceManager.isRegistered(taskManager)) {"Task manager ${taskManager.path} terminated.") instanceManager.unregisterTaskManager(taskManager, true) context.unwatch(taskManager) } }
/*** Unregisters the TaskManager with the given { @link ActorRef}. Unregistering means to mark* the given instance as dead and notify { @link InstanceListener} about the dead instance.** @param instanceID TaskManager which is about to be marked dead.*/public void unregisterTaskManager(ActorRef instanceID, boolean terminated){ Instance instance = registeredHostsByConnection.get(instanceID); if (instance != null){ ActorRef host = instance.getActorGateway().actor(); registeredHostsByConnection.remove(host); registeredHostsById.remove(instance.getId()); registeredHostsByResource.remove(instance.getResourceId()); if (terminated) { deadHosts.add(instance.getActorGateway().actor()); } instance.markDead(); totalNumberOfAliveTaskSlots -= instance.getTotalNumberOfSlots(); notifyDeadInstance(instance); }}
public void markDead() { // create a copy of the slots to avoid concurrent modification exceptions Listslots; synchronized (instanceLock) { if (isDead) { return; } isDead = true; // no more notifications for the slot releasing this.slotAvailabilityListener = null; slots = new ArrayList (allocatedSlots); allocatedSlots.clear(); availableSlots.clear(); } /* * releaseSlot must not own the instanceLock in order to avoid dead locks where a slot * owning the assignment group lock wants to give itself back to the instance which requires * the instance lock */ for (Slot slot : slots) { slot.releaseSlot(); }}
@Override public void releaseSlot() { if (!isCanceled()) { // kill all tasks currently running in this slot Execution exec = this.executedTask; if (exec != null && !exec.isFinished()) { Exception( "The slot in which the task was executed has been released. Probably loss of TaskManager " + getInstance())); } // release directly (if we are directly allocated), // otherwise release through the parent shared slot if (getParent() == null) { // we have to give back the slot to the owning instance if (markCancelled()) { getInstance().returnAllocatedSlot(this); } } else { // we have to ask our parent to dispose us getParent().releaseChild(this); }}
public void fail(Throwable t) { processFail(t, false); }
transitionState(current, FAILED, t)
private boolean transitionState(ExecutionState currentState, ExecutionState targetState, Throwable error) { if (STATE_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, currentState, targetState)) { markTimestamp(targetState); try { vertex.notifyStateTransition(attemptId, targetState, error); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("Error while notifying execution graph of execution state transition.", t); } return true; } else { return false; }}
getExecutionGraph().notifyExecutionChange(getJobvertexId(), subTaskIndex, executionId, newState, error);
void notifyExecutionChange(JobVertexID vertexId, int subtask, ExecutionAttemptID executionID, ExecutionState newExecutionState, Throwable error){ ExecutionJobVertex vertex = getJobVertex(vertexId); if (executionListenerActors.size() > 0) { String message = error == null ? null : ExceptionUtils.stringifyException(error); ExecutionGraphMessages.ExecutionStateChanged actorMessage = new ExecutionGraphMessages.ExecutionStateChanged(jobID, vertexId, vertex.getJobVertex().getName(), vertex.getParallelism(), subtask, executionID, newExecutionState, System.currentTimeMillis(), message); for (ActorGateway listener : executionListenerActors) { listener.tell(actorMessage); } } // see what this means for us. currently, the first FAILED state means -> FAILED if (newExecutionState == ExecutionState.FAILED) { fail(error); }}
if (jobInfo.listeningBehaviour == ListeningBehaviour.EXECUTION_RESULT_AND_STATE_CHANGES) { // the sender wants to be notified about state changes val gateway = new AkkaActorGateway(jobInfo.client, leaderSessionID.orNull) executionGraph.registerExecutionListener(gateway) executionGraph.registerJobStatusListener(gateway) }
if (message instanceof ExecutionGraphMessages.ExecutionStateChanged) { logAndPrintMessage((ExecutionGraphMessages.ExecutionStateChanged) message);} else if (message instanceof ExecutionGraphMessages.JobStatusChanged) { logAndPrintMessage((ExecutionGraphMessages.JobStatusChanged) message);}
注意,这里如果newExecutionState == ExecutionState.FAILED,会调用
就像注释说的,第一个failed,就意味着整个jobfailedpublic void fail(Throwable t) { while (true) { JobStatus current = state; // stay in these states if (current == JobStatus.FAILING || current == JobStatus.SUSPENDED || current.isGloballyTerminalState()) { return; } else if (current == JobStatus.RESTARTING && transitionState(current, JobStatus.FAILED, t)) { synchronized (progressLock) { postRunCleanup(); progressLock.notifyAll(); return; } } else if (transitionState(current, JobStatus.FAILING, t)) { //将job的状态设为JobStatus.FAILING this.failureCause = t; if (!verticesInCreationOrder.isEmpty()) { // cancel all. what is failed will not cancel but stay failed for (ExecutionJobVertex ejv : verticesInCreationOrder) { ejv.cancel(); } } else { // set the state of the job to failed transitionState(JobStatus.FAILING, JobStatus.FAILED, t); // } return; } }}
Execution contained = currentExecutions.remove(exec.getAttemptId());
void executionFailed(Throwable t) { jobVertex.vertexFailed(subTaskIndex, t);}
ExecutionJobVertexvoid vertexFailed(int subtask, Throwable error) { subtaskInFinalState(subtask);}private void subtaskInFinalState(int subtask) { synchronized (stateMonitor) { if (!finishedSubtasks[subtask]) { finishedSubtasks[subtask] = true; if (numSubtasksInFinalState+1 == parallelism) { //看看对于Vertex而言,是否所有的subTask都已经finished // call finalizeOnMaster hook try { getJobVertex().finalizeOnMaster(getGraph().getUserClassLoader()); } catch (Throwable t) { getGraph().fail(t); } numSubtasksInFinalState++; // we are in our final state stateMonitor.notifyAll(); // tell the graph graph.jobVertexInFinalState(); } else { numSubtasksInFinalState++; } } }}
void jobVertexInFinalState() { numFinishedJobVertices++; if (numFinishedJobVertices == verticesInCreationOrder.size()) { //是否所有JobVertices都已经finished // we are done, transition to the final state JobStatus current; while (true) { current = this.state; if (current == JobStatus.RUNNING) { if (transitionState(current, JobStatus.FINISHED)) { postRunCleanup(); break; } } else if (current == JobStatus.CANCELLING) { if (transitionState(current, JobStatus.CANCELED)) { postRunCleanup(); break; } } else if (current == JobStatus.FAILING) { boolean allowRestart = !(failureCause instanceof SuppressRestartsException); if (allowRestart && restartStrategy.canRestart() && transitionState(current, JobStatus.RESTARTING)) { restartStrategy.restart(this); break; } else if ((!allowRestart || !restartStrategy.canRestart()) && transitionState(current, JobStatus.FAILED, failureCause)) { postRunCleanup(); break; } } else if (current == JobStatus.SUSPENDED) { // we've already cleaned up when entering the SUSPENDED state break; } else if (current.isGloballyTerminalState()) { LOG.warn("Job has entered globally terminal state without waiting for all " + "job vertices to reach final state."); break; } else { fail(new Exception("ExecutionGraph went into final state from state " + current)); break; } } // done transitioning the state // also, notify waiters progressLock.notifyAll(); } }}
如果Job状态是JobStatus.FAILING,并且满足restart的条件,transitionState(current, JobStatus.RESTARTING)
public void restart() { try { synchronized (progressLock) { JobStatus current = state; if (current == JobStatus.CANCELED) {"Canceled job during restart. Aborting restart."); return; } else if (current == JobStatus.FAILED) {"Failed job during restart. Aborting restart."); return; } else if (current == JobStatus.SUSPENDED) {"Suspended job during restart. Aborting restart."); return; } else if (current != JobStatus.RESTARTING) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can only restart job from state restarting."); } if (scheduler == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("The execution graph has not been scheduled before - scheduler is null."); } this.currentExecutions.clear(); CollectioncolGroups = new HashSet<>(); for (ExecutionJobVertex jv : this.verticesInCreationOrder) { CoLocationGroup cgroup = jv.getCoLocationGroup(); if(cgroup != null && !colGroups.contains(cgroup)){ cgroup.resetConstraints(); colGroups.add(cgroup); } jv.resetForNewExecution(); } for (int i = 0; i < stateTimestamps.length; i++) { if (i != JobStatus.RESTARTING.ordinal()) { // Only clear the non restarting state in order to preserve when the job was // restarted. This is needed for the restarting time gauge stateTimestamps[i] = 0; } } numFinishedJobVertices = 0; transitionState(JobStatus.RESTARTING, JobStatus.CREATED); // if we have checkpointed state, reload it into the executions if (checkpointCoordinator != null) { boolean restored = checkpointCoordinator .restoreLatestCheckpointedState(getAllVertices(), false, false); //重新加载checkpoint和状态 // TODO(uce) Temporary work around to restore initial state on // failure during recovery. Will be superseded by FLINK-3397. if (!restored && savepointCoordinator != null) { String savepointPath = savepointCoordinator.getSavepointRestorePath(); if (savepointPath != null) { savepointCoordinator.restoreSavepoint(getAllVertices(), savepointPath); } } } } scheduleForExecution(scheduler); //把ExecuteGraph加入调度,重新提交 } catch (Throwable t) { fail(t); }}